Royal Hospital School Golfing Society

Golf course reopens on 15th May 2020

After being closed for seven weeks, due to the lockdown to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the golf course at the Royal Hospital School reopened for use by Golfing Society members, School staff and School students.

Play resumed on a bright, sunny Friday morning with the course looking in excellent condition due to the magnificent efforts of Steven Mutton and his significantly reduced team. Thank you all on behalf of all golfers using the course. The splendid view from the first tee was a welcome one as shown in the photo below.

Photo from the 1st tee
Tony Furtado and Graham Smith were the first to tee off at 9.30am with Bob Stone and Colin Scott following soon after at 10am.

Intensive preparations were required before golf could resume. Safety procedures need to be followed by all golfers to protect themselves and others from the virus. These are set out in a document prepared by Golfing Society Chairman, Roger Tyler, agreed with The School with the help of Claire Fitzpatrick and distributed to members by Rosie Stuart-Thompson, the Society Secretary.

Some golfers find social distancing easier than others

The procedures include hygiene precautions, such as not touching flag poles or other players' equipment, maintaining social distancing at all times and having pre-booked times to tee off. With no existing facility for booking tee times the significant challenge of setting up an online booking schedule was undertaken at short notice by Colin Scott. Thanks are due to Roger, Claire, Rosie and Colin for their work in enabling golf to resume.

The first tee time booking was made within one minute of the online booking schedule being launched and about 30 people booked to play during the first three days after the course reopened. With the good weather continuing through the weekend getting out for a round of golf is a real treat, especially in the current circumstances.

The course looked so good it is worth showing another view before ending this report, this time from the 5th green.

Photo from 5th green